Freethinkers Meetup, Saturday, March 1, 2014
Location: Moshi Moshi, Regis Center KatipunanDate: Saturday, March 1, 2014
Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Google Map:
1) The Future of Loneliness:
2) The Challenge of Masculine Intimacy:
3) Legal Parental Surrender:
4) Demystifying the Cybercrime Law
After the meetup we usually go for dinner and drinks somewhere nearby. If you’re not a meetup regular and can’t make it for the meetup but would like to go for the post meetup, please indicate on a post in the wall or comment so we can contact you.
Got questions about the meetup? Contact us at 0927 323 3532
* Newbies are welcome and admission is free.
* Early birds get to play board/video/party games with the group.
* Look for the FF sign (or the group of smart, sexy people).
* There is no required age, religion, philosophy, or IQ level.
* Discussions are informal yet intelligent (most of the time).
* You don’t have to talk; you can just sit in and listen.
1st PA/Agora Walk Tour: The Spanish influence in the Philippines
Location: Chess Plaza, Rizal Park, Manila City
Time: 8:00 am onwards
We're going to talk about the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and Spain in the Philippines. We will focus on the walled city Intramuros
We will be accompanied by 2 French film makers from
We're going to talk about the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and Spain in the Philippines. We will focus on the walled city Intramuros
We will be accompanied by 2 French film makers from
Any questions: Here is my contact number:
Sun - 0933-303-7104
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