Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Apprentice Asia winner is a Pinoy

Honestly, I don't give a rats ass about who wins this mindless and stupid and over dramatic shit called reality TV. In the first place there is nothing real about them and they are just fucking annoying.

So here in a land depraved of pride and identity. Where everyone wants to be an instant celebrity because they want the easy life and such crap, people are lauding this winner Jonathan S Yabut. Hmmm that name is familiar. The name Yabut was the former rulers of Makati before the dark forces of the Binays came into power.

Many Pinoys are so proud of something they have done nothing about and is just claiming for themselves. They feel so proud that despite just hearing about this news on TV about a cable program, they instantly become more special than anyone else in the world.

Don't you just wish these people dead on pikes and displayed so that people decent enough will not follow their bullshit kind of life?

Who won and what? Here is the news: Filipino Jonathan Yabut wins 'Apprentice Asia'

 Jonathan S Yabut - the new source of Pinoy (Fucking) Pride
Source: Rappler

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